
We have listed the most popular questions, but if you don’t find the answer you are
looking for, please call us for more information.

Can I reserve a kitten?

Yes! To reserve a kitten, file up the ‘Reserve Form’ or  call us. After choosing a kitten we will sign a contract and collect a deposit. After the kitten is reserved we do NOT show it to any new customers.

Is there a waiting list to get a kitten?

We do have a waiting list for our special kittens. You have to fill up the ‘Waiting List Form’. We would try to do our best to fulfill your expectations within 6 months. For more information, call us.

What vaccines will my kitten come with?

Breeding healthy kittens is our #1 priority above anything else.
We take this very seriously.

Every kitten comes with:

  1.  2 rounds of deworming
  2.  2 rounds of FVRCP vaccines (Rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia)
  3.  Bordetella
What documents come with our kitten?

Your new kitten will come with:

  1.  A Signed Contract
  2.  Pedigree certificate
  3.  Veterinarian passport with a history of vaccinations
Are kittens spayed/neutered?

No, we recommend to neuter or spay kittens at the age of 6-9 months and sending us proof of the procedure.

Can I return my kitten?

Yes. After a kitten is adopted, we recommend you visit a doctor within 5 days to make sure that the kitten is healthy. If there are any issues, please contact us immediately. If you change your mind about the kitten, the cat must be returned to the original cattery and we would start helping them find a new family. In this scenario no adoption fee would be returned.

What will my kitten come with?

We give full instructions on how to take care of your new family member and how to feed them. We also provide you with a food sample or what they’re used to eating.

Will my kitten be registered?

Yes! All of our kittens are registered with the World Cat Federation (WCF) and come with a Pedigree certification.

Is there a contract?

Yes. With every new adoption there will be a contract. For any additional information, please contact us.